When I was watching Dr. C's videos I kept reading negative comments about him, I noticed it were always the same arguments put forth by Salty, Bernie and Connie that were being repeated. Either these commenters are brainwashed by the before mentioned people's blogs, or they were creating fake accounts themselves to discredit Dr. C. Nobody will ever know.
Not so long ago I came across this one:
Talking about Connie, (I presume) you have the honor of being mentioned in the interview at 36:16 to 36:45. Although having an arrest warrant about to be served isn't very good news, but that's your karma being served for wanting Dr. C imprisoned.
Despite her contempt for a man I greatly respect, I appreciate Connie for at least keeping what she writes about Dr. C quite polite and "child-friendly". That's a complete different story with Bernie from http://www.gintruth.com
Let's go take a look at his latest post:
It seems he doesn't abide by his own rules, when we read "Invitational – Write a Guest Post!" we see listed "No profanity, racism, hate speech against other religions, races, cultures, etc. (We get enough of that from Leonard Coldwell!)"
Have you seen the latest pictures yet? https://www.facebook.com/theonlyanswertocancer/posts/398087037066653
It's called art Bernie...
Why do you keep attacking Dr. C based on his outward appearance, anyone can see he's not the tallest of men and a bit balding. Does that make him less of a person? You are sounding like the typical childhood school bully. By the way, the founder of Aikido, Morihei Ueshiba, was just under five feet tall and was never defeated during his lifetime. A martial art that is far superior to your McDojo style of Karate.
I don't know if you're a white knighting feminism supporting mangina but this can be an interesting article for you.
You have no proof of Dr. C stating that he's a famous as Chuck Norris. Case closed.
I've done my research, Dr. C cites other authorities on alternative cancer cures in his books and I haven't read anything that disproves his "theories", only attacks and allegations on him as a person.
Despite the nasty things being written about Dr. Coldwell, for the moment it seems this legal battle will be won by the forces of good. However sadly it doesn't always end like "The Connie strikes back" movie for doctors who try to fight the pharmaceutical maffia:

I see my Texan friend has reported this blog to her local law enforcement agency. This is just for taking a stand for Dr. C and having some criticism on her little blog, what a little snitch!
PS: If you have any pictures with the marvelous Dr. C, post them at http://www.drleonardcoldwellhugs.com
That's it? That's all you've got?
ReplyDelete"Our friend Bernie opens straight with profane language, how classy!
It seems he doesn't abide by his own rules, when we read "Invitational – Write a Guest Post!" we see listed "No profanity, racism, hate speech against other religions, races, cultures, etc. (We get enough of that from Leonard Coldwell!)"
First of all, on MY blog, Coldwell deserves every name and hate filled word he gets from me. Or do you think I should just sit back and accept him accusing me of raping kids? Do you think my family should just accept it?
Are you really stupid enough to believe that I'm hiding here in Japan?
Do you think it's okay for someone like Coldwell who claims to have EIGHT Ph.D's and a Nobel Prize (which is complete bullshit btw) to make claims on his achievements and to be a disgusting individual with his diatribe linguistics regarding myself, Connie and others? Yeah, REALLY professional huh!
I have no doubt you will take this post down, but I will be taking a screen shot of course.
Now, run along and go back to your fake doctor. And forgive me if I ignore your sad attempt at ridicule. Coldwell deserves everything he gets from me and more!! If you had half a brain you wouldn't just accept the perverted little monster at face value!
Get a clue!
About your picture that was uploaded on the Dr. Leonard Coldwell bio page, it says "as the source that send us this picture told us"
DeleteDr. C can't be blamed for receiving wrong information, focus your anger on the person who made that stuff up in the first place
I keep reading this "Dr. C claims to have a nobel price" stuff, I've looked it up on your and Connie's blog but can't find any proof of such claims. Dr. C is pissed off at you guys because you are ruining everything he has worked for in the United States by spreading disinformation. Hardly surprising
This post will never go down, the funny thing is it's already showing up in google when I google your and Connie's name :D
I've kept my post quite "child-friendly" Bernie. It's only the same ridicule you're dealing out to Abe and Dr. C that you're now experiencing for yourself. I will debunk every future post you make where you use profane language when talking about Dr. C
Florian, Coldwell often pretends to be getting his "information" from other sources, and I think you know that and you are being deliberately disingenuous. It was, according to Coldwell, "other sources" who also told him that I am an AIDS-infected ex-prostitute, a drug addict, a Big Pharma shill, and even a dog killer. All lies, all made up by this deeply disturbed little man. Sometimes he even writes posts on Facebook that he pretends are being written by someone else, such as one of his assistants or his brother "Nicolas" (real name Jens Wilhelm Anskohl). But we've been through that before.
DeleteBecause he is such a coward at heart, he tries to slither out of accountability for the lies that he has generated himself -- but the blame for those lies rests squarely on him. He is totally responsible for the abusive, obscene, and actionable lies he has written about me and about Bernie and about his other critics.
I have never heard Coldwell himself say he is a Nobel prize winner, but last year he apparently hired a profoundly stupid and inept SEO service, which generated scads of English-challenged blog posts for him. Here is a blog post saying he is a Nobel prize winner.
Hilariously, one of the tags is "sexual predator" (as is the case on many of those amusing SEO blogs), so apparently he was trying to out-SEO the genuine blog posts about himself and that unpleasant subject.
In any case, Coldwell is ultimately responsible for all of the content on his SEO blogs, even if he did not write them himself.
The only person who has "ruined" things for "Dr." C in the U.S. or anywhere else is himself, by his unprofessional behavior and career based on falsehoods, exaggerations, and defamatory lies about his critics. And anybody who actually reads your blog and also reads any of my posts or Bernie's will get a pretty clear idea of who is full of crap (hint: not me, and not Bernie).
I'm having a hard time believing Dr. Coldwell would make up stuff like that. It's just doesn't fit with his personality as a straightforward and ethical Doctor who teaches people to stand in life in a positive way. If you take a look at the drleonardcoldwellhugs site you'll see he's loved by hundreds of people. If he were such a horrible person he would have been a very lonely man.
DeleteThe Only Answer To Cancer Facebook page has multiple admins. It's not that uncommon that they each write their own posts.
In suspect Dr. C isn't even aware himself of the faulty information of him being a Nobel price winner being posted. You got to understand Dr. C is a public speakers and he needs to do some marketing. Due to the Salty "failed attorney" Droid libelous lies being spread about Dr. C's sexual harassment he needed to do some damage control, despite being innocent.
Any reader on my blog is welcome to exchange ideas about Dr. C. I'll gladly show them "who they should listen to", like KT teaches in the first CD of "Your wish is your command" :)
"...having a hard time believing Dr. Coldwell would make up stuff like that" because it "doesn't fit with his personality?" That is hilarious to people who can see him more clearly than you obviously can. Your statement is as amusing as the satirical scenes in the 1990's Sylvester Stallone futuristic movie, "Demolition Man," when the L.A.-area cops are totally unable to deal with force and violence because they haven't been trained to do so. Those scenes are funny to audiences of the present era for obvious reasons. Coldwell and fabrication go together like present-day cops and violent force, is what I'm saying (in case it isn't clear).
DeleteI know from a personal standpoint that your hero is not above lying. He lied that I killed his dog. He lied that I am an AIDS-infected former prostitute. He lied that I am a Big Pharma shill. He lied that I sexually harassed him. He lied that Bernie and Omri are child molesters. He told all of these lies repeatedly. He has never retracted them and never apologized. Moreover his claims about his own accomplishments are extravagant and exaggerated, and he has presented NOTHING credible to back those claims, which leads to the very logical conclusion that he lies about nearly everything.
The Only Answer to Cancer is ultimately Coldwell's page, and many of the posts there are simply copies and pastes of his posts on his main Facebook timeline, since they refer to him in the first person. Again, he is responsible for the content. However, I will say this (same thing I said to you on my own blog when you commented): Sarah was kind and considerate enough to remove a fake "Connie Schmidt" post from the page recently, and she also reported the fake "Connie Schmidt" account from which the fake post was generated. Several others also reported that fake account and Facebook removed it.
Regarding the blog with the Nobel prize claim, and other blogs like it: Coldwell and/or someone working on his behalf with his approval hired the SEO company to generate those blogs, and you would think he would be more diligent about removing some of the most blatantly false information from said blogs.
Salty has written nothing false about Coldwell, but in any case it appears that the above-mentioned blogs were intended to out-SEO Omri, not Salty, since many if not most of the blog posts that contained the tag "sexual predator" also had the tag "Glancingweb" (the name of Omri's blog).
By continuing to argue about Coldwell's merits here, you are convincing nobody who isn't already a Lenny fan.
Some of those "lies" he received from anonymous sources, so it can be debated if Dr. C is really lying. We would have to check his inbox to be perfectly sure. There's just as much proof to assume Dr. C is lying as there is proof to assume you really sent those messages.
DeleteWe've discussed the credible stuff earlier Connie. Coldwell has sworn an oath of secrecy as a doctor so he can't tell you the names of the patients he has cured. You are just speculating.
I don't recall ever commenting on your blog. You are confusing me with someone else. Dr. C is a very busy man so he doesn't have the time to monitor all those individual sites. After all it's just a minor detail, everything in that post is true.
Salty as a (failed) attorney must have understood the presumption of innocence: Ei incumbit probatio qui dicit, non qui negat (the burden of proof is on he who declares, not on he who denies). Until found guilty by a court Dr. Coldwell is not a sexual predator, contrary to what you, Bernie, Salty and Omri want your readers to believe.
We'll see about that Connie, but your allegations lack as much proof as you accuse Dr. C of having.
I just posted a response to your May 24, 2015 at 7:37 PM comment, and it appeared as "published" and was there for a few minutes, but now seems to be gone. Blogger must be acting up.
DeleteGosh. I re-posted that same response yesterday (May 27), and it was up there for a while, but seems to be gone again. Blogger must REALLY be acting up. Either that, or I hit a nerve with my valid arguments to support my contention that Coldwell has indeed been blatantly lying about his critics.
DeleteYou wrote:
ReplyDelete"You have no proof of Dr. C stating that he's a famous as Chuck Norris. Case closed.
If you bothered to click the link and listen to Coldwell's audio, you can hear him make that very claim you stupid moron!!
Thanks for the free episode of Dr. C's radio show being hosted on your site! I'll listen to it ASAP
DeleteIf you had bothered to click it in the first place you wouldn't be wasting your own time by writing nonsense!
DeleteYour headline doesn't even make sense!
ReplyDeleteYou're right, Bernie; neither the headline nor the graphic really makes sense. "The Connie" hasn't struck back or even struck in the first place, so the whole "Star Wars" theme kind of falls flat. I am not sure what Liana's picture is doing there either, as she and Lenny had a falling-out some time ago and as far as I know haven't made up yet. He did apparently try to co-opt her Earth Diet brand with some lame bakery/restaurant but was stopped from doing that. And as for Abe, he would probably just as soon dissociate himself from Lenny as not.
Delete"Despite the nasty things being written about Dr. Coldwell, for the moment it seems this legal battle will be won by the forces of good."
ReplyDeleteWhat has "Dr." Coldwell been telling you about his "legal battle," Florian? How is he spinning the fact that on May 19, 2015, his own lawyers, on behalf of their now ex-client, filed a motion for voluntary dismissal of the civil lawsuit that was originally filed in North Carolina on January 15, 2015 (which, as coincidence would have it, was the day before your blog debuted)?
His blathering about "arrest warrants" regarding any alleged "defamation" against him is also a pack of lies. Either his lawyers were lying to him about anything remotely resembling criminality on the part of his detractors (much less about any "arrest warrants"), or Coldwell was lying to his listeners/readers/followers/idiot fans. I rather suspect the latter, since I believe that it would be a very naughty (and disbarment-worthy) thing for a lawyer to lie to a client about such a matter.
I suggest that there is a reason that you keep seeing the same kinds of negative comments about Coldwell, and it has nothing to do with anyone being "brainwashed" by Bernie or Salty or me. Perhaps it is simply that Coldwell's boasts are so outrageously exaggerated and so transparently dumb that ordinary thinking people would question them automatically. People were apparently questioning him about his claims years before I had even heard of him.
Finally, your arguments are as weak as usual regarding the veracity of "Dr." Coldwell's statements. Rather than cite any remotely credible source to counter his critics' assertion that he lies, you quote Coldwell himself saying, essentially, "Nuh-uh! I'll never lie to you!"
You've lost this argument so badly, Florian, but if it makes you feel good, keep on with this very silly blog. You're not doing Coldwell any favors. Even Coldwell's very close friend Sarah B thinks this blog is pretty stupid, particularly your debut post with its garbled and totally fallacious history of "Dr." C and his critics.
What really surprises me is that you removed the "motion for voluntary dismissal of the civil lawsuit" scanned document from "Whirled Musings" after I spoke up in my blog. Since you assume anything Dr. C says is a lie, I assume that document was photoshopped.
DeleteThe arrest warrants could have been served to 2 other people, he didn't mention any names. So don't be so hasty to draw conclusions. Even my blog is facing prosecution, I've added the screen to this blog post. This means I must be doing something right.
If you listen to some of the longer audios put out by Dr. C for a while you'll notice he's a very intelligent man, you don't get a PhD by being "dumb" as you call it.
I don't care about what Sarah Julie Barendse thinks about my blog. She betrayed Dr. C when she was expected to stand up for him by picking your side.
Actually, Florian, I temporarily removed my post from Whirled Musings before I knew anything about your latest blog post, for reasons unrelated to you. The document was and is real. On May 19, I received an email with the scanned PDF from Coldwell's lawyer, who upon my request will also be sending me a print copy in the mail. Rest assured you have not heard the last word about this sham of a failed lawsuit from me, and I'm guessing that some of the other defendants will have something to say about it too.
DeleteYour blog is not facing anything remotely resembling "prosecution" but if you want to become a drama queen like your daft little hero, be my guest. I simply sent a link to your blog to my local law enforcement, to add to their files. I let them know that I did not and do not believe that this blog was written or even endorsed by Coldwell but rather by a somewhat unbalanced fan of his, and I added that I did not feel particularly threatened by it, but I wanted to have it on the record anyway. They know the larger context because I had also at various times sent them screen shots of remarks from some of Coldwell's truly crazy fans in the U.S., detailing some of the acts of violence they thought should be done to me.
And as you know from our previous conversations on this blog, Florian, the only reason I reported Coldwell in the first place was because of the potentially criminal act he committed last summer when he falsely accused me of killing his dog, got his stupid idiots all riled up about it, and published my home address and private cell phone number. I was receiving scary threats from some of those idiots as a result and even though I realize most people are probably just talking out of their you-know-whats, one can never be too careful these days. I wanted all of the threats of violence to be on record.
I am not for a moment insinuating that your blog is criminal or that you have in any way threatened me with violence. I respect your right to write stupid blogs about me. But because with your inaugural post you repeated the lie about me killing Coldwell's dog, I felt that a mention of it belonged in the report to law enforcement. However, because you are in Belgium you are really quite safe from prosecution in the U.S.
Also, please keep in mind that you are the one who, in your own blog post above, wrote that Coldwell was probably talking about me when he mentioned arrest warrants. Whomever he was talking about, you can be assured he was lying, because lying is generally what he does.
I have listened to some of his audios and watched some of his videos. I have never heard Coldwell say anything that sounds particularly intelligent. He parrots every popular conspiracy theory, which only makes him sound stupid, in my opinion. But it is in his English writing rather than his speech that he really comes across as stupid, particularly when he writes lies about me and about his other critics. Also, please stop using his PhDs as proof of his intelligence or accomplishments or anything. None of his PhDs are real except for his honorary humanities doctorate from a religious school, and that is completely irrelevant to the area of expertise he pretends to have.
Sarah has never, to my knowledge, betrayed "Dr." C in any way. She is very loyal to him and a good friend to him. She and I have silently agreed to disagree about her friend. That said, she has openly disagreed with him about some things. She doesn't believe his lies about me being an AIDS-infected prostitute, and she doesn't believe I killed his dog. And she has said as much on public forums.
BTW, Florian: When I do re-publish my post about the dismissed case, you will also see your comment (or a comment from someone who is as deluded as you), claiming that the scanned document is a fake. It is, I assure you again, not a fake.
DeleteIn that case you can call yourself a very lucky woman Connie, Dr. C must have had mercy on you. I don't get why you're pursuing counter-measures when you've written on your blog several times about your dislike for Dr. C's need for "revenge".
DeleteYou are starting a legal battle after Dr. C offered you a ceasefire proposal.
I know Americans have the tendency to sue each other for the most stupid of things, so no hard feelings, it's cultural. But if you are so brave as you claim you are you wouldn't go whining for police protection. But that's also typically American, calling the police over every small thing. Just call them for real crimes like robbery or murder. Not if your neighbours stereo is on too loud.
If the US Government can't even get Edward Snowden prosecuted, I guess I'm quite safe.
Your home address can be found with a simple Google search. If you don't want it to be republished, then don't publish it in the first place yourself.
The opening narrative was a satirical piece, in the style of your own blog. Or are you being serious when you call Dr. C "this man who has done so much good for so many sick people, and who is driven only by a promise he made to God when he was a very little boy with a very sick mommy." Now as for you deliberately killing Blue, of course I don't believe that. I agree with you on one thing that he probably ingested something he shouldn't have.
That's why I asked Connie. Now you admit you didn't get any served, he probably meant 2 other people. My guess is Salty and RationalWiki.
I see you're one of those people who thinks of believers in conspiracy theories as wacko's. You are free to do so, but I think it would be better if you looked a bit in the theories supported by Dr. C because a lot of them have solid proof. The Watergate Scandal used to be a conspiracy theory for instance.
Even when we look past Dr. C's PhD he still has a real Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine diploma. A (honorary) PhD gives you the right to carry the tittle "Doctor", so regardless of the degree being from a degree mill or not, he is a real "Doctor (in humanities)"
Sarah hasn't put forth an initiative like me to defend Dr. C against all the negative stuff being spread online. She's always welcome to comment on this blog if she wishes to do so.
Talking about AIDS, you should really check out the movie "Dallas Buyer Club" if you haven't already. It's based on a true story about a man fighting the FDA and pharmaceutical lobby with alternative AIDS cures and against AZT (=chemo/radiation/surgery?). It's just like Dr. C is doing now against cancer.
I haven't "started" any legal battle. Where did you get that idea? I've simply stated that soon I will probably be writing more about the legal battle just past. My reporting Coldwell's potentially CRIMINAL actions (where he incited his crazy fans to come get me after the dog killing saga) was a totally separate matter, initiated in July 2014, and it had nothing to do with the CIVIL case that HE initiated in January 2015, and then, upon the advice of his lawyers, voluntarily withdrew in May 2015.
DeleteHere's a clue, Florian: The dismissal had nothing to do with "mercy" on Coldwell's part. Either you're pulling that out of your behind, or Lenny is filling your gullible little ears with lies again. Remember, one of his mottoes is, "Never forgive, never forget, always get even."
I have never been a litigious person, which is why I never tried to sue Coldwell for clearly actionable lies he told about me. He is the one who loves lawsuits, not I. But yes, I WAS scared last year when I saw him deliberately trying to incite his crazy fans, and when I read the creepy things they were writing about me, and when I got the threat that my house might be burned down. It doesn't matter if someone's address appears online elsewhere in benign contexts; the context in which Coldwell published my address (and my private cell phone number, which I NEVER published anywhere) clearly showed malicious intent -- and yes, I was scared.
When I wrote that "I am not afraid" and it became my banner, that was in regard to the sham of a civil case he filed against me in January. I am not afraid in that regard because I have done NOTHING wrong, legally or morally, where Coldwell is concerned and he knows it, and his lawyers know it too. I do remain wary of his lunatic fans and of illegal things he might be secretly planning, because he is not a well man.
You have now said yourself that you do not believe I killed Blue. Have you publicly stated, on any of Coldwell's forums, that you do not believe this? Have you called him on his atrocious lie?
The "satire" in your opening blog post fell flat -- unless you were in fact making fun of Coldwell's lies about his critics, in which case you would all but be admitting that you know Coldwell is full of crap.
Coldwell was lying about those two "arrest warrants," pure and simple. Salty did not and will not be served with an arrest warrant, and Rational Wiki isn't even a person. (One of the lawyers did file a motion for a default judgment against RationalWiki or an agent of RationalWiki, and even scheduled a hearing, but later withdrew the motion with no explanation, and did not re-schedule. Now it is moot because the case is dead.)
I'll leave it to you and Sarah to battle over who is the most loyal Coldwellian, but Sarah handles many of his web sites and social media so I'd say that he is pretty satisfied with her loyalty. You're just a brown-nosing little fanboy in Belgium, but maybe if you borrow money from your parents you can travel to the U.S., attend one of Coldwell's "mega seminars," and kiss his IBMS ring. Wait... why didn't you go to recent the quackfest in Kassel, Germany? Or did you?
I am aware of the movie "The Dallas Buyers Club," but that doesn't lend any credence to Coldwell's claims about cancer.
And to clarify: Reporting the potentially criminal actions that had me spooked was NOT the same as filing a lawsuit or even filing charges. I just wanted evidence of Coldwell's actions to be on record in case anything happens to me.
Delete"Rest assured you have not heard the last word about this sham of a failed lawsuit from me, and I'm guessing that some of the other defendants will have something to say about it too." This strongly implies you and other defendants seeking justice for the abandoned lawsuit, but I'm glad you'll just leave it at blogging, so Dr. C doesn't have to waste any more time and money.
DeleteI don't have any personal contact with Dr. C but I do know the case was looking good for him with you being unable to pay for a lawyer and Dr. C having a whole legal team on his side.
Is it that hard to see those "threats" were probably troll comments? Celebrities get stuff like that all the time. You even stated on your blog "I don’t really expect Lenny to show up at my door in person (he would have to get past a whole lot of dogs, some firearms, and a very vigilant Ron to get to me)" What kind of double talk is this, first bragging about how safe you feel at home and subsequently placing yourself a victim role.
That's where you are mistaken Connie, you do have done something wrong possible legally and certainly morally. Dr. C is not a scammer like the other people you write about. He didn't deserve to get his reputation ruined for which he worked so long. Dr. C's income is dependent on his reputation, so let's compare it to me sabotaging your publishing company. You would just be as upset as Dr. C is right now and use all legal means to get me prosecuted and get the damage settled.
I have not stated that publicly to Dr. C since I can't add him as a friend anymore, his friend list is full. The subject seems to have died by now and Dr. C doesn't repeat that allegation anymore, so let's just forget about it.
See my killing of Blue part from my initial post as some of the same artistic freedom that you make use of when writing about Dr. C when making up your hypotheses.
Speaking about hypotheses, we can't be certain Dr. C is lying about those arrest warrants. They could be 2 person unknown to both of us.
Your second last paragraph is full of ad-hominem arguments and American superiority complex, but I'll address it briefly. It's not about being the most loyal Coldwellian, it's about not having fun in Facebook groups with people that attack someone you're expected to be protecting. Sarah is a hypocrite in that regards, she enjoys talking to you in anti-GIN groups but doesn't call you out on your blog. I was planning on visiting The Spirit of Health Conference in the Netherlands but it got cancelled.
The case was never looking good because it was fundamentally flawed from the beginning. Since I couldn't find a lawyer I simply filed my motions and waited. A lot was going on in the background that you don't know about and that Coldwell will almost certainly never tell you. And he doesn't have a "whole legal team."
DeleteI have vacillated in my feelings about safety. I really do not expect Coldwell to physically show up at my home. But I cannot say the same for his crazy fans. It wasn't "double talk" but the expressions of genuinely conflicting feelings, despite vigilance and safety precautions. The bottom line is that I did feel threatened enough to report to law enforcement, simply for it to be on the record, just in case.
I repeat that I have done nothing wrong legally or morally. I have told no lies about Coldwell whatsoever, nor have I "made up hypotheses." I do believe Coldwell is a scammer but I also believe that he is the person who has ruined his own reputation. He just makes things worse by ranting about his critics and filing sham lawsuits. FYI, I do not own a publishing company.
I am not ever going to forget about the allegations he has made against me until and unless he publicly apologizes and admits he was lying. So you can just forget about my forgetting.
My apologies to you for seeming to have an American superiority complex. I did not mean to imply that you are in any way inferior for not being American. I simply meant that you are in Belgium and therefore a safe distance away from the fray. I do think your sycophancy regarding Coldwell is idiotic, so if that is ad hominem, so be it.
Sarah and I have had many words about Coldwell, off and on the anti-GIN groups. She no longer participates on the anti-GIN groups. She and I do have common ground about several things, including a love of animals.
I see the skeptics in the Netherlands were successful.
I forgot to add that as recently as his Thanksgiving 2014 post, Coldwell mentioned a "mentally ill women" [sic] who, paid by Big Pharma (so he said), was responsible for murdering his beloved dog Blue. He has never retracted that allegation that I am aware of, and until and unless he does, I will not forget it and will continue to bring it up as the occasion demands it, because it is one of the sickest, craziest things he has done regarding his critics (that, and accusing Bernie and Omri of being child rapists). Coldwell is lying about criminal defamation cases and arrest warrants. You just need to accept that.
DeleteMy husband Ron has tried numerous times to post a comment to this blog and for some reason is being prevented from doing so. Any explanation, Florian?
ReplyDeleteHonestly, I don't censor anyone from commenting on this blog contrary to yours. If you could specify more clearly "for some reason" I can take a look at my settings
DeleteI don't "censor" either, Florian. I moderate in order to prevent spam, as I explained to you on one of your recent comments to my blog. All I know is that Ron told me that he tried several times to post a comment and it would not post. He made sure his cache was clear, that all Java script was enabled, etc. He signed in on Google and it didn't work. He signed out and tried to use open ID, etc., and still couldn't post. Maybe it was a glitch on his end. If he cares enough, he may try again at some point.
DeleteBlogspot has automatic spam detection so there is no need for moderation. I checked my spam folder but there were no comments of Ron to be found. Maybe you should advise him to try with another web browser
DeleteBlogspot's 'automatic spam detection' is imperfect, Florian. I look in my spam folder quite frequently and see that Blogger catches a lot of them. But in my experience many slip through and come through as comments. If I didn't moderate, my blog would be cluttered with this crap. If you actually had readers and more commenters you would probably experience the same thing, but this is a little backwater blog. Mine is little too; I'm not claiming I have a big broad readership. But it has been around nearly 9 years and has gained some traction, which unfortunately also means it's a spam magnet.
DeleteBy the way, another friend of mine, Tom Banjo, also tried to comment on your blog but couldn't. Must be glitching again.
Don't assume so quick my blog is read by nobody, I have 1083 page views as of today. I don't block anyone from commenting on this blog. Your Tom Banjo friend who is so fond of rude language has commented in the past on my blog, so the problem has to be on his side. It seems you're riling up an army of Dr. C haters just to prove your point.
DeleteI am not riling anybody up. I didn't even inform Tom Banjo of this post; he apparently found it on his own and mentioned that he had tried to comment to it and couldn't. I'm sure he'll try again if he cares enough.
DeleteFlorian, you clearly don't get it. You never will, get it.
ReplyDeleteThanks for writing about our blogs and putting up links here - you inadvertently help our SEO by doing so! :)
Every post I've ever made on Loony Coldwell, is backed up with screenshots and links from HIS own postings. Nothing is made up - we leave that kind of thing up to Coldwell.
And as I said months ago, you clearly haven't questioned Coldwell on any of this, or on his credentials. Do it. Ask for proof. Ask for titles of his Ph.D theses, all of them. Ask where you can see HIS research of his OWN medical work, not a repetition of the work of others, in ANY medical journal, as he claims to have written. (I once contacted the AJM - American Journal of Medicine - regarding a claim Coldwell wrote for them, as HE stated. They'd never heard of him!)
And of course Connie is going to go to the police for protection when you have a psychotic prick like Coldwell, encouraging people to take revenge on her for the death of his beloved dog, Blue! The very fact that he even accused her of poisoning his dog, shows how dangerous this stupid little runt is!! Even his closest friends called him out on that one!
You love the little liar so much, we know that, but you are not doing yourself any favours when trying to be smart with your cocky, arrogant, ignorant replies to our posts here and on our blogs. In fact, all you're doing is showing how stupid you truly are.
Please, do keep picking at my posts when you see them go up - the more exposure the better!
You do allow for a lot of speculation when discussing those screenshots and quotes of Dr. C's postings. Your blogs always go accompanied with the same lame ad-hominem attacks about his height, weight, hair loss and accent. You're only making yourself weak by resorting to personal attacks like that.
DeleteI never asked any doctor for his credentials, I don't know about you but for most MD's these things are kept private. Dr. C could have written in medical journal under "Bernt Klein" since he got his degree in Germany and only changed his name when moving to the U.S.
Dr. C is a very emotional man, so I can understand his finger pointing at Connie when she was defaming him during a hard emotional time like this. Dr. C teaches people to not harbor their bad feelings but to release them immediately.
I never commented on your blog Bernie, you need an account for that. Your most recent blog posts don't even get any comments.
Maybe my exposure is working?
Most legitimate M.D.s are quite forthcoming about their degrees and certifications, even having framed certificates on the walls of their offices. Coldwell was apparently using the name "Leonard Coldwell" as an "artist's name" in Germany for years before he legally changed his name from Bernd Klein to Leonard Coldwell. He was never a doctor in Germany.
DeleteBeing a "very emotional man" does not excuse someone who claims to be a professional and a great humanitarian and who nonetheless writes filthy, abusive public posts about a critic. He does seem to be an emotionally *unstable* man, which is made apparent just about every time he writes or speaks. There is NO excuse for his "finger pointing" at me regarding his dog. He crassly exploited that situation just as an excuse to try to get people to hurt me. That's how cowards roll.
Your exposure is definitely not working. Lol.
ReplyDeleteDone wasting my time with you and this pathetic attempt of a blog.